2023全國近紅外腦功能成像(fNIRS)澳門論壇於澳大成功舉行 (活動剪影)
會議日程 Programme (arranged in alphabetical order. Updating.)
From | To | Talks | Minutes |
9:00 | 9:10 | Welcome & Opening by Prof. Zhen YUAN | 0:10 |
9:10 | 9:40 | Talk 1 Prof. Hui LI: Maternal-infant bonding and brain functional network connectivity in 0-2 months infants: An fNIRS study | 0:30 |
9:40 | 10:10 | Talk 2 Prof. Rihui LI: The prospects of functional near-infrared spectroscopy technology in psychiatry research and applications 近紅外腦成像技術在精神病學中的研究和應用前景 | 0:30 |
10:10 | 10:40 | Talk 3 Dr. Dongyuan LIU: Instrumentation and methodology of functional near-infrared spectroscopy imaging for fully-panoramic view of cortex hemodynamic responses 面向全場景腦功能探測的fNIRS系統與方法 | 0:30 |
10:40 | 11:00 | Coffee break | 0:20 |
11:00 | 11:30 | Talk 4 Prof. Weiming LIU: The current situation and challenges of rehabilitation for common developmental diseases in infants | 0:30 |
11:30 | 12:00 | Talk 5 Prof. Fan WANG: Wearable optical pumping magnetometer magnetoencephalography – Introduction and applications 原子磁力計腦磁圖及其應用 | 0:30 |
12:00 | 13:30 | Lunch for Invited Speakers at Conference venue | 1:30 |
13:30 | 14:00 | Break before the afternoon session | 0:30 |
14:00 | 14:30 | Talk 6 Prof. Haijing NIU: Brain network development and lateralization in children | 0:30 |
14:30 | 15:00 | Talk 7 Prof. Qinmei XU: Infants’ frontal and temporal lobe activity in response to happy and sad music | 0:30 |
15:00 | 15:30 | Talk 8 Prof. Xin ZHANG: Brain monitoring and functional imaging of stroke patients based on NIRS technology | 0:30 |
15:30 | 15:50 | Coffee break | 0:20 |
15:50 | 16:20 | Talk 9 Prof. Juan ZHANG: An application of fNIRS-based hyperscanning technology in educational research | 0:30 |
16:20 | 16:50 | Talk 10 Prof. Zhongliang ZHU: Associations between maternal prenatal depression and neonatal behavior and brain function – Evidence from the functional near-infrared spectroscopy | 0:30 |
16:50 | 17:20 | Talk 11 Prof. Zhen YUAN: Optical Neuroimaging of Cognitive Function and Brain Disorder | 0:30 |
17:20 | 17:50 | Talk 12 Prof. Shaohui HUANG 黄韶辉 of the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | 0:30 |
17:50 | 18:00 | Closing remarks by Prof. Zhen YUAN | 0:10 |
18:00 | 20:00 | Dinner for Invited Speakers @N1-G006, Grandplaza on UM campus | 2:00 |
Feng GAO | 高峰
Feng Gao received his Ph.D. degree in physical electronics from the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS. Since 2004, he has been a Professor with Tianjin University, China. His major research areas include biomedical photonics, medical photoelectric detection, computational photonic imaging, and has authored over 200 papers in the relevant peer-reviewed journals.
Shaohui HUANG | 黃韶輝
Shaohui Huang is a professor at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the President & CEO of LightEdge Technologies LLC. He is currently leading a research group that developed a commercial POCT (Point-of-care Testing) instrument for ultrasensitive diagnosis based on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. His team built a cutting-edge single-molecule experimental platform based on multi-parameter fluorescence detection and atomic force microscopy. His other research interests include brain functions as well as developing instruments that can be applied in both clinical and neuroscience research of human cognitive functions.
Hui LI | 李暉
Li Hui, Professor, Chief Physician, and Doctoral Supervisor. Member of the World Association for Infant and Toddler Mental Health, the only trainer for the International NBO/NBAS Alliance in China, and the founder of the Chinese Committee on Infant and Toddler Mental Health. Studied under the internationally renowned pioneer of infant behavior studies, Professor Brazelton at Harvard University. Li Hui has pioneered the development of the “Infant Behavior Observation and Early Intervention” technology, breaking the monopoly of foreign technologies. She is the first in China to establish intervention systems for infant and toddler activities, music, language training, and more. She has been invited to present specialized reports at the World Congress on Infant and Toddler Psychology. Through WeChat public account, Li Hui has published 160 popular science articles with a readership exceeding 300,000. She has served as the chief editor for two textbooks in the field, participated in the revision of the international “Assessment Guidelines for Behavior Disorders in 0-3 Year-Olds,” and took responsibility for drafting the clinical guidelines for near-infrared spectroscopy in Chinese infants and toddlers.
Rihui LI | 李日輝
Rihui Li is currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University of Macau. More information about Prof. Li’s research can be found at this link.
Dongyuan LIU | 劉東遠
Dongyuan Liu received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic information engineering from the Tianjin Polytechnic University, in 2013 and 2017, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from Tianjin University in 2021. Since 2022, he has been with Tianjin University as a full-time research associate in biomedical engineering. His research interests include biomedical photonics, medical imaging and photoelectric detection.
Weimin LIU | 劉維民
Dr. Liu Weimin, member of Professor Li Hui’s team.The director of Beijing Baoxiulan Medical Center, engaged in clinical and scientific research work on early assessment and early intervention of high-risk infants.
Haijing NIU | 牛海晶
Haijing Niu is a professor of the National Key Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at Beijing Normal University in China. She is also one of board of directors at Society of functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in United States. Her research interest is to understand how the human brain networks are topologically organized and changed during typical development and neurodevelopmental disorders. Recently, his interests also include transcranial photobiomodulation for disorder intervention and cognitive enhancement. She developed an open network calculation software, FC-NIRS, to facilitate fNIRS researchers for human connectome studies using fNIRS techniques. So far, she has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers as the first or the corresponding author in the journals of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, and IEEE Journal of biomedical health Informatics etc.
Fan WANG | 王帆
Senior Engineer, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Magnetoencephalogy Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Beijing Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging Center, main research interests are magnetoencephalogy equipment, data reconstruction algorithm and its application, presided over the construction, installation, commissioning and operation of the first set of magnetoencephalogy system for scientific research in China. A series of advances have been made in the study of focal localization of UHF concussion epilepsy. The first prototype of a new multi-channel magnetoencephalogram system based on atomic magnetometer was developed in China, and the high-quality magnetoencephalogram signal was successfully obtained, and some leading work was made in the field of cognitive and pre-clinical research of wearable magnetoencephalogram.
Qinmei XU | 徐美琴
Qinmei Xu, professor at Zhejiang University, serving director of the Learning and Cognitive Science Research Centre at the College of Education. She is the chair of the Child Development and Social Policy Committee of the Chinese Association of Social Psychology. Her research areas including early word learning and cognitive development, emotional and social development, parent-child interaction and attachment, digital environment and brain development, academic emotion and mental health, child development and social policy, child development and teacher education, school inclusion etc.
Chenyu YAN | 嚴晨毓
Chenyu Yan is a postdoctoral fellow in the College of Education, Zhejiang University. She received her undergraduate degree from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, and her PhD degree from the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University. She is particularly interested in research related to early childhood development, with a recent focus on infants’ perception of music emotions.
Xin ZHANG | 張鑫
Xin Zhang graduated from the University of Hong Kong with PhD degree in 2010. After that, he has been working in the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on detecting brain signal and imaging functional activity. Based on the near infrared spectroscopy, he designed non-invasive cerebral oxygenation monitor to measure cerebral oxygen saturation at bed side. Recently, an fNIRS system has also been developed with the advantage of capturing EEG simultaneously, named as NEG system, which is useful to evaluate brain functions for stroke patients in rehabilitation training.
Juan ZHANG | 張娟
Juan Zhang is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the Faculty of Education, University of Macau. Her research interests are in child development and brain and language cognition. More information about Prof. Zhang’s work can be found at this link.
Zhiping ZHEN | 甄志平
Zhiping Zhen is a Professor, PhD, Doctoral Supervisor, Scholar at Beijing Normal University. Her main research direction is the promotion of physical fitness big data and physical and brain development.
Zhongliang ZHU | 朱忠良
Zhu Zhongliang, PhD, Professor. Director, Maternal and Child Health Institute of Northwest University. Engaged in research on the psychological and behavioural effects of prenatal stress on mother and infant, pioneering the construction of this discipline in China. Received over 30 national and provincial level research projects and published over 100 articles.
N1-1005 University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau SAR
袁振博士, 澳門大學協同創新研究院-認知與腦科學研究中心
李暉博士, 西安交通大學第一附屬醫院
高峰博士, 天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院
趙治瀛博士, 澳門大學協同創新研究院-認知與腦科學研究中心