西方國家和中國相繼啟動腦計劃, 澳門大學認知與腦科學研究中心計劃開展具有澳門特別行政區特色的腦科學研究。澳門是多元文化和世界娛樂之都,多種語言並存,與語言和成癮相關的腦研究資源豐富。同時,研究中心的腦計劃將著力研究認知老化和大腦疾病的神經機制,並更好地服務澳門老齡化等發展課題;另外,研究中心的腦計劃也會圍繞兒童腦認知機制和行為學、兒童神經發育疾病機理和防治展開,並促進兒童腦智發展和人格塑造。所以,研究中心主要研究方向包括:
Fig. Research Directions at CCBS
Fig. Multidisciplinary Research Centre

Fig. The brain activation maps exhibiting the difference between the gambling addiction and healthy control groups in the low-risk (top right) and high-risk (bottom right) task underlying losing and winning conditions

Fig. Participants in the guilty group exhibited significantly higher HbO concentration changes in response to the probe stimulus compared to that from irrelevant stimuli in (Left: fNIRS brain activation maps). For the guilty group, the probe stimulus elicited significantly larger amplitude of P300 than the irrelevant ones (Right: ERP components and EEG brain topography)

Fig. T-maps of brain activation difference between Chinese orthography and checkboard (A) and between the real and pseudo-Chinese characters (B).

Fig. The mean accuracy of three Chinese-English translation tasks based on three strategies: Pairing, Non-translation and Transphrasing (p <0.01**) (Left). The brain activation maps of three Chinese-English translation strategies: Pairing, Non-translation and Transphrasing (Right).

Fig. Brain regions showing altered local resting-state network properties in the insomnia group as compared that from the non-insomnia group. The aberrant nodal betweenness centrality (A) nodal degree (B) and nodal efficiency (C) were identified in the insomnia group

Fig. The brain activation difference maps associated with various arithmetic calculations (Add, subtraction, division, multiply and comparison) for Macau students

Fig. The EEG signals and brain topography for cerebral palsy (left) and healthy control (right) children groups

Fig. The t map of activation in the prefrontal cortex associated with cognitive flexibility for Down Syndrome (top) and normal children (bottom)