CCBS achieves significant advances in research on oxytocin and social cognitive neuroscience

A research team led by Wu Haiyan, assistant professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences of the University of Macau (UM), has a [...]


UM makes new progress in intelligent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

A team led by Yuan Zhen, professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) of the University of Macau (UM), has made new prog [...]


Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: CCBS Seminar Series Talk 2 by Prof. Xiaoli LI

The Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) of the University of Macau has initiated a series of seminar since April 2021. You are c [...]


Seminar organized by ICI: Individual Differences in Face Cognition-Psychometrics and Neural Underpinnings

Prof. Werner Sommer, Professor in Biological Psychology and psychophysiology, and in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Life Science, [...]



澳門大學在剛剛結束的2019世界機器人大會“BCI腦控機器人大賽暨第三屆中國腦機接口比賽”上大獲豐收。澳門大學-香港大學聯合一隊、聯合二隊從400多個參加技術賽初賽的團隊中脫穎而出,因優異成績而提前進入決賽16強之列。澳門大學-香港大學聯合一隊在8月22日至25日的決賽中更是表 [...]

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